Mission Raceway Tag


Paul Bonner, one of the VRCBC's favourite Vintage Racing photo-journalists (and a long time supporter), has just had two of his stories about our 2012 BCHMR published. One is in the August 2012 issue of Vintage Drift (see cover above), the quarterly journal of our friends at SOVREN (www.sovren.org) and the other is in the Fall 2012 print issue of PRN Motorsport Magazine (www.prnmag.com) (see cover below). Great job Paul - thanks very much!

Unfortunately, neither article is available online but many VRCBC members will have already received their subscription copy of Vintage Drift. You can easily get your own subscription (only $25 per year for Canadian addresses) by contacting the Editor / Publisher, Martin Rudow, at Rudow Specialty Publishing, 6310 NE 74th #245, Seattle, WA 98115.  Phone: (206) 527-5301.

PRN is available at larger newstands across Canada.